The following information appeared to have slipped the attention of the local media, that is until BHU found out!
(You can read our formal report on the news story in the news section of the Burgess Hill Uncovered Website)
Mid Sussex District Council will opt to SELL the lease on the land currently occupied by the Chanctonbury Road Playground to West Sussex County Council and snub the chance to re-site the playground on a patch of land on the edge of London Meed Primary School.
The site of the existing playground is required by WSCC in order to build the new special school which clearly will be given planning approval very soon.
Now, the reason given by MSDC for turning down the chance to re-site the new playground is that it would pose a serious security threat to the school!
This is THE school run by West Sussex County Council, the same WSCC that are offering up the plot of land for a new playground. Would WSCC really offer for the playground to be moved if they thought they'd be risking the secuity of their own school?????? Something doesn't add up here. Is this just a weak excuse by MSDC so that they can bank the money?
It's hardly fair on local children that they lose a free leisure facility. Ah of course, MSDC are full of old people that don't think of the younger generation. It all makes sense now.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, the information above is correct. If I have made an error, please comment below.
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