I awoke on Sunday morning, still on a sugar induced high thanks to consuming half a tub of Gormet Jellys Beans. My mood was quickly sunk when I checked the Burgess Hill Uncovered emails. Sent at 10:07 this morning, BHU received its first COMPLAINT email in a long while....

How selfish of me, I completely forgot that I am bound by law to serve the people of Burgess Hill. I've let everyone down. How could I not have taken a camera to an event in our town for the best part of three years. My laziness has led to G----- S------ emailing me on his first visit to the website. I feel so terrible that I have disappointed him. Of course, he is right, if I'm not updating the website, then I should not be doing it at all. I can't remember the last time I wrote a blog entry or filed a news report. In fact, I shall be removing Burgess Hill Uncovered from the World Wide Web this week. I have failed you all.
Just who on earth does G----- S------- think he is?
My guess is that he's a miserable, self-important (insert expletive of choice here)
That is all.
G S needs to get out more
To be fair, G S is trying to get out more! It's just that he'll need to travel back in time to 2007 to do it in Burgess Hill! Actually I have no problem with being back in 2007, three years younger, no recession, etc. Let's get those events back to 1997, that was my heyday...
Yes, it was nice back then, but my favourite time in Burgess Hill was the 1980's when the town looked 'lived in' look at it now with burnt out nightclubs etc, it looks so dilapidated. I think the remains should be pulled down now as the town needs to be uplifted, its rather depressing walking through to the library and seeing that monstrosisty there. Come on Burgess Hill, I love living here, lets make it a nice town again
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