Christopher Thomas-Atkin's role these days is to promote the town, whereas the juicy work is handled by Andrew Barrett-Miles as the council leader.
Can someone please explain how the Mayor switching on the lights is a good way to draw people into town for this festive event? Burgess Hill is not a tiny little town anymore. Such an event needs some sort of a celebrity to be switching on the Christmas lights.
How difficult is it to pick up the phone or to send

Kings Lynne with a population only around 25% bigger than Burgess Hill are having both Letitia Dean AND the X Factor's Johnny Robinson turning on their lights. We get the Mayor.
So, its a choice between the Simpsons on Channel 4 at 6pm on Thursday 1st December or to go into town to watch the Mayor turn on some lights.
Gordon the Gorilla must have been unavailable to switch them on. Unless... I've never actually seen Gordon and the Mayor at the same place. Hmmm... Clark Kent/Superman moment?
Gordon the Gorilla has been missing for years. I think he left town following being snubbed for the Summer Festival mascot race.
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