One of the stories they covered was the proposed building of a Homebase store on some land next to the Triangle Leisure Centre.
Please look at the following picture, and decide, are the Lib Dems in favour, or against the construction?

The headline to go with the picture was "Triangle site decision soon"
If you're like me, then you would assume from the picture that the local Lib Dems are in FAVOUR of a Homebase store, considering that they were pictured with items that you can find for sale in Homebase.
It wasn't until reading the story that you discover that they are actually AGAINST the building.
For those of you that don't know, in Burgess Hill and Mid Sussex, the Conservatives are essentially in power. It is any surprise when the Lib Dems are making silly mistakes like this misleading photo?
What they should of done was to have composed a picture where the councillors are holding signs telling Homebase to p*ss off! That would have grabbed the attention of the readers, not caused any confusion, and actually given them credibility among the voters under the age of 30 who I would imagine are the age group that can't be arsed to vote!
I'd like to make Lib Dem councillors aware that I am available as a consultant with regards to your publicity campaigns!
The local Lib Dem's "community politics" publicity sometimes degenerates to the point of self-paraody: witness, Cllr Sue Knight's proud boast in her local election leaflet that she had been instrumental in getting the pointless and expensive additonal concrete webbing put on some of the pavements in Chanctonbury Road (instantly used by drivers to park on - wonderful). And, of course, not a peep about her instrumental role in trying to close Footpath 21 which cuts across the grounds of Oakmeeds College of which she is a governor, but is widely used by local people. With opposition of this quality, no wonder the local Tories are able to misnmanage district and county councils so easily...
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