The parade will be themed on the World War Two Battle of Britain. According to the Citizen report, its the 70th anniversary of the event. We can expect all parade walkers and floats to adhere to this theme, although won't it be a little boring if everyone is the same? At least when people were invited to come dressed as characters from books we had a bit of variety.
I'm not trying to be disrespectful to those that fought in the war, they already have their yearly day of remembrance in November, but it's supposed to be a fun event. Additionally, how easy is it going to be for the various community groups to get hold of World War Two paraphernalia?
Once again (just like every year) vintage and classic cars have been invited to take part in the event. I get the feeling that the organisers are fans of old cars and ask them to come along for their own personal satisfaction. Now, I've been to some of these parades and from what I can recall, it's been the same cars every year. zzzzzzzzzz.

This blog entry's title included the words 'but what year is this?' I ask this question because of the archaic process that you have to go through if you want to take part in this years festival.
To get hold of an application form, you have to send a stamped addressed envelope to the festival secretary, once you receive this application form, you'll need to fill it out and post it back again. That's a total of three stamps. Have we gone back a decade?
Why don't the festival committee upload the application form to a website? People interested in taking part in the event could simply download the form, print it out, write on it, and post it back. That would save the cost of two stamps and a lot of time. Why can't the Burgess Hill Town Council website host the form? Better still, why doesn't the festival have its own website? It would only cost around £30 a year. It would also mean they can put all the festival details on it. Last year the local press had to keep publishing the phone number of one of the organisers if you wanted to know more information on events taking place during festival week.
We are now in 2010, and if you're not online, then you're not relevant.
Moan over ......... for now.
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