Readers, Mid Sussex District Council are at it again, only this time, Freedom Leisure, the company that run the sports centres in the district have also put their name to this pathetic idea.
I learnt of this event from the Summer editon of the Mid Sussex Matters magazine that dropped through the BHU office letterbox this week.
There are 5 Olympic rings, and it just so happens that there are three sports centres and two civic halls in Mid Sussex, that's a total of 5! To keep the 5 theme going, you can go to one of the sports centres and take part in 5 events, for 5 minutes.
It gets even worse with the pushing of the five gimmick. The activities include taking 5 shots at a basketball hoop, completing a 5 shot rally in badminton, perform 5 seat drops on a trampoline and a 5 minute drama presentation.
This event is supposed to encourage people to participate in sport. However, who is really going to bother to leave the house on the weekend in the Summer to partake in just 5 minutes of activity?
One of the photos to go with the article was of a man playing golf, clearly not taken at Beech Hurst gardens. One of MSDC's great ideas for increasing participation in sport was to CLOSE the Pitch and Putt without consulting the public.
If you're mad enough to take part in this gimmick-fest, then you can find the event taking place on Saturday 24th July for Burgess Hill and East Grinstead, with Sunday 25th July the chance for the people of Haywards Heath to make their way to the Olympos sports centre to waste 5 minutes of their lives.
Unsurprisingly, the FREE Burgess Hill Street 20 cricket event that's running throughout the Summer (and lasts much longer than 5 minutes) was NOT advertised in the magazine.
Clueless, absolutely clueless.
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