Today was my first trip out on foot since my operation. Ideally I would have stayed at home convalescing until the 2018 World Cup Finals in England, but with snow on the ground, I was curious to see how the town was coping.

Surprisingly St Johns Park was rather empty, plenty of untouched snow although families were enjoying sliding down the slope where the outdoor swimming pool used to be. Yet again the public forgot about all the snow in the tennis courts, the location in which a snow penis was sculptured in January. Its the perfect arena for crafting things, I'm possibly one of the only people in this town clever enough to utilise it.

Anyway, enough of the perfect spots for enjoying the snow, you'll all be wanting to know about the route into the town centre. The path through St Johns Park and up the side of Lower Church Road had been gritted, although the footpath by the church was a hazard. Thankfully the pedestrianised area of the Martlets had been treated and there were two walk ways cleared in the snow for entry to shops on either side. The council shouldn't have bothered though as only about a third of the shops were open. It's crazy how everything stops when we have a large amount of snow. If significant snowfall becomes a regular occurance and not just once every three years or so, then the councils and national transport departments are going to need adequate plans in place.
Among the shops closed in town were Truffles the bakery and Argos, yet the mighty Lidl and the second hand computer game shop were open for business as usual.
It was a shame to see Burgess Hill Library shut too, I wanted to get a book out on how to clear the snow.
At Waitrose car park it was encouraging to see that a passage had been cleared in order to aid the shoppers. We didn't check out any other car parks but my source in Haywards Heath revealed that the MSDC car park by Marks and Spencer had been treated with a pathetic attempt at making it usable whilst the car park round the corner at Tesco Express had received no sort of attention. Well done Mid Sussex District Council!

If you'd like to moan about the lack of snow clearance in and around Burgess Hill, then I highly recommend this Facebook group 'West Sussex Council Council - Have your say' It's full of moaners like my good self.
I could witter on some more, but I won't.
Good Bye. x
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