To me, Paddy Henry was the lone Labour councillor who always acted in the interest of the public. Never afraid to speak out whenever he saw things happening at MSDC that he didn't like.
He was quite a legend in my eyes for his actions, an inspiration in fact.
If you'd like to read a personal account of Paddy, then may I direct you to this tribute written by a close friend that has been published on the Nursing Times website.
Although I'm sure his fellow councillors will miss him on a personal level, I can't help but feel they'll be relieved that less of their poor decisions and actions will be brought to the public's attention in the future.
Thinking about it, a great deal of the Middy's big feature pieces that have centered around Paddy's revelations this year will be missing in the future.
The public need a new local hero on the council to spill the beans.
You might have one. You might just have one... http://midsussexmadness.blogspot.com/
That is the greatest blog that I've ever read. Thank you for sharing that link.
Now if only someone could take the information contained in that blog and spread it wider in the public domain.
Oh yeah, that's what I can do!
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