It promises to be a very close run affair, the most exciting ever perhaps. With big changes once again being trumpeted for the town, which party will gain control and have the most influence over developments?
Currently, the make-up of the Town Council is as follows.
Conservatives 9, Liberal Democrats 8, Independent 1.
The District Council has 53 members, consisting of....
Conservatives 31, Liberal Democrats 21, Independent 1.
As for Burgess Hill councillors on the District Council, the numbers are...
Conservatives 6, Liberal Democrats 6,
The Snub
With the statistics pointing toward a tight election, its a huge surprise that neither the Lib Dems or the Conservatives have contacted the Burgess Hill Uncovered offices, requesting for us to consider running in the elections in order to seal their party's victory.
How to win an election in the 21st Century
Think what we can bring to the table. We have an established website, A growing Facebook page on which we can directly communicate with the locals in an instant, this very blog , and of course our creative flair for making internet videos.
It's 2

The problems that the parties face (and I'm generalising here) is that most party members are OLD and don't have a clue about new media technology.
Speaking of old, why don't the local party leaders look to recruit young people in order to freshen things up? They should embrace a more modern way of thinking and ideas that may appeal to the younger generation. It seems to be the same set of councillors term after term. Are a number of these councillors now completely out of touch with today's electorate?

It's tempting to enter the local political arena as a group of independents. Victory may not be achievable, but it would certainly split the vote and keep the other parties on their toes!
I think you should certainly run! You could run the town superbly!
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