There are nine different people seeking to be elected in this ward, yet only two came to visit. The others must have looked at the names on the electoral roll and thought better of it.
It was nice of Mandy Thomas-Atkin not to bother. In 2007 when she canvassed, she said "Vote for us, I promise we won't disappear after the elections" Guess what readers, she got elected and duly disappeared. I won't be making the mistake of voting for her again. I hope that her husband misses out too. He strikes me as someone that thinks he's on a higher level than everyone else. Let's get some more real people elected this time shall we, oh, and make them LOCAL people too, not like Emily White, who Burgess Hill Uncovered have done their little bit to let people know not to vote for her at all. You can read our page with the aim to lose her some votes here
Publicity Pru Moore Vs Simon Hicks

I hope that the Lib Dem Leylands Ward team have been campaigning hard, it would be a fantastic victory if they can pull it off. 2007 results show it's a ward with similar number of supporters for both parties so anything is possible.
If there is a victory party taking place, hopefully Burgess Hill Uncovered are on the guestlist. Afterall we have written on our Facebook Page that voters should snub Publicity Pru in favour of Simon. Every little helps!
Election Result Predictions

The parties had their chance to recruit the Burgess Hill Uncovered team to stand as candidates but we weren't wanted, very odd. It could only be that the local party leaders feared that us renegades would come in and ended up running the show!
Having looked over the candidates and reviewed the voting of 2007. I believe that it will end up being 9 seats each. However, independent candidate Tony Balsdon could scupper things depending on how hard he's worked to win votes again this year. If Tony does win a seat, I think it will be at the expense of a Liberal Democrat which would result in the numbers being exactly the same as they were in 2007!

It's going to be another grim 4 years of Gary Wall and his chums running the area as they see fit with his cosy cabinet making all the decisions which makes a mockery of democracy!
Finally, Anne Jones

Bye Bye Anne?
Of course, if you guys had formed your OWN party, I'd never have joined the Tories...!
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