My story, as this blog title gives away, is about the Burgess Hill Multi-Storey Car Park.
Readers of the the main Burgess Hill Uncovered website may remember the story we wrote last year:Boating Lake Installed at Local Burgess Hill Car Park
The Burgess Hill Uncovered Office cleaner was in town this week and chose to use the multi-storey car park since Waitrose is no longer the cheaper alternative. Her choice was foolish as it is still a lake, and by her account, is now much worse.
Earlier this year, the council reported a significant shortfall on expected revenue generated from the car parks, this is hardly surprising given the state of the multi-storey car park.
The Conspiracy Theorists among you would find it very interesting that Waitrose car park now use the same payment system as all the MSDC car parks, one wonders if Waitrose was forced to adopt these prices as perhaps the council wanted a bigger share of the shoppers parking fees. Just a thought.
The council should actually sue the construction company that carried out the rennovations 4 years ago, they actually had to redo the work 4 months later as something went wrong, but clearly that didn't work either. What a cock-up all round really. But then that's what you come to expect from MSDC.
I hope the Middy do choose to cover the story, it's always fun to point out how inept Mid Sussex District Council is. I await to be pleasantly surprised!
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